The electrical engineer and mechatronics engineer Ing. Thomas Tschirk founded a sole proprietorship in 2003.
Initially, the focus was on conventional electrical engineering.
Due to the previous experience in special machinery, steel construction and in electronics, the main activity of the sole proprietorship was to be found in the industry after a short time.
The main tasks of the company are maintenance work, repairs, new planning and construction of automation solutions.
Since 2010, complete industrial plants/special machines were also planned, manufactured and commissioned on behalf of customers.
In summer 2019 the Melresol GmbH was founded with the managing director Ing. Thomas Tschirk due to the steadily growing orders in the industrial sector.
Today, customers benefit from the wide range of
experience in the fields of electrical engineering, industrial electronics,
sensor technology, control technology and also steel construction, mechanics, pneumatics and